

 Naruto is a popular Japanese anime and manga series created by Masashi Kishimoto. The series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with dreams of becoming the strongest ninja in his village. Naruto is divided into two main parts: the original Naruto series and its sequel, Naruto Shippuden. Here is a breakdown of all the seasons of Naruto:

Original Naruto Series:

  1. Naruto: Season 1 - Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!
  2. Naruto: Season 2 - The Chunin Exams Begin!
  3. Naruto: Season 3 - The Search for Tsunade
  4. Naruto: Season 4 - Attack of the Sand Ninja!
  5. Naruto: Season 5 - The Sasuke Retrieval Arc

Naruto Shippuden Series:

  1. Naruto Shippuden: Season 1 - Homecoming
  2. Naruto Shippuden: Season 2 - Bonds
  3. Naruto Shippuden: Season 3 - Focal Point: Sasuke
  4. Naruto Shippuden: Season 4 - Immortal Devastators: Hidan and Kakuzu
  5. Naruto Shippuden: Season 5 - The Three-Tailed Demon Turtle
  6. Naruto Shippuden: Season 6 - The Two Saviors
  7. Naruto Shippuden: Season 7 - The Six-Tailed Demon Slug
  8. Naruto Shippuden: Season 8 - The Two Jinchuriki
  9. Naruto Shippuden: Season 9 - The Fourth Great Ninja War
  10. Naruto Shippuden: Season 10 - Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax
  11. Naruto Shippuden: Season 11 - Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation
  12. Naruto Shippuden: Season 12 - Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown
  13. Naruto Shippuden: Season 13 - The Allied Shinobi Forces
  14. Naruto Shippuden: Season 14 - Fourth Shinobi World War: Infinite Tsukuyomi
  15. Naruto Shippuden: Season 15 - Fourth Shinobi World War: Epilogue

Apart from these, there are also a few filler seasons that contain episodes not directly based on the original manga storyline. These episodes provide additional content but are not essential to the main plot. Some notable filler arcs include the "Power" arc, "Three-Tails' Appearance" arc, and "Itachi Pursuit" arc.

It's worth noting that Naruto Shippuden has a total of 500 episodes, while the original Naruto series consists of 220 episodes. When watching the series, you may choose to follow the canon storyline and skip or watch the filler episodes as per your preference.

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